Why We Need to Reduce Gasoline Consumption
Synthetic oil helps reduce the amount of oil waste that is accumulating and endangering our planet, and although motor oil does produce waste, there are also other vehicle fluids that produce large amounts of pollution. Fuel is among the top of these problematic fluids, its effects are greatly devastating our planet our health and our economy. Gasoline is used up much more quickly than other fluids in your engine, it needs to be constantly added in order to keep the vehicle running and tends to burn off pretty fast. The problem with gasoline is that when it is burned up it produces several toxic products that make its way into our atmosphere, but we require it for transportation.
Using Synthetic Oil Leads to Gasoline Savings
Synthetic oil provides a layer of complete lubrication and beneficial properties that coat the engine parts reducing friction and eliminating resistance so that the engine becomes more fuel efficient. The improvements that synthetic oil provides for the fuel economy of your vehicle vary from about 3%-5% and although it may not seem like much, it can end up being a significant improvement for the environment. In a year, the average vehicle consumes around 1,500 liters of gasoline with synthetic oil they would have savings of around 45-75 liters of gasoline a year. If this kind of savings were to be made by most of the vehicles then the gasoline being used and burned off into our air would greatly reduce.
Drive Using the Right Gear for Better Fuel Rendition
Another bad driving habit that wastes the fuel is forcing the engine to drive in the wrong gear, this is mostly an issue with standard vehicles, not automatic transmissions. Since standard transmissions require that the gear is changed according to the speed it is very important to learn to listen to your vehicle´s engine and not force it to drive in the wrong gear, as this will not only waste gasoline but it can also harm the crack, rods, valves and other parts of your vehicle. Change up gears as soon as you notice your engine requires less power and is going at a higher pace, but do not try to force it accelerating intensely as this will also waste much gasoline. In manual transmissions it is important to check what position the gear stick is in as using the other options (such as the one marked with L) will force the engine to stay in a lower gear and not change. If the extra power is not needed this will burn off excess gasoline and harm the engine, so be careful to not shift it by accident.