Chambersburg, PA | (717) 658-1256


Practicing vehicle safety is the best way to keep yourself and others safe while driving. Keep reading this post by AMSOIL: Cerberus Systems, Inc. in Chambersburg, PA, and learn how to stay safe on the road. 

An easy way to practice vehicle safety is by ensuring your vehicle is always up to date with its maintenance routine. Give Cerberus Systems, Inc. a call at (717) 658-1256 for information on the best products for your car, like AMSOIL's Signature Series 5W-50 Synthetic Motor Oil.

Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

Staying safe while driving has a lot to do with the attention you pay to your surroundings. You can avoid trouble on the road like erratic or aggressive drivers by checking your rearview and side mirrors. If you identify bad drivers, keep your distance or pull over until they leave. That being said, aggressive drivers aren’t the only thing you should keep an eye out for when driving. Others you should pay attention to are:
  • People on bikes or smaller vehicles.
  • Children playing on the street.
  • People crossing the road.
  • Construction and low-speed zones.

Minimize Distractions

Minimizing distractions is another essential part of being a good driver. Doing this can help you pay better attention to the road and your surroundings. Unfortunately, many drivers believe they can safely multitask while driving, which can become a hazard when operating a vehicle. Things like phones, eating, talking on the phone, or using the radio in your car can cause you to get distracted, and even if it’s only for a few seconds, it can be disastrous. So, next time you’re driving, remember to keep your eyes on the road.

Respect Speed Limits

Respecting speed limits is another easy way you can practice vehicle safety. Speed limits are set to make everyone from drivers to pedestrians safe on the road. These are designated with ideal road conditions in mind, so if these were to change and a driver exceeded the speed limit, it could have serious consequences. Keep a close eye on speed limits and pay attention to the zones you’re driving through, i.e., school zones and pedestrian crossings. Also, if the road or weather conditions aren’t ideal, consider reducing your speed to maneuver your car better.

Make sure you have everything you need to maintain your vehicle by calling Cerberus Systems, Inc. at (717) 658-1256 and speaking to one of their oil experts. Also, make sure you visit AMSOIL’s online store to get to know their entire line of products.

Drive at a Distance From Other Cars

Paying attention to other drivers, respecting speed limits, and minimizing distractions are all great ways to stay safe on the road. Another way to keep you out of harm’s way is to keep your distance from other drivers. There’s a 4-second rule that states you should leave four seconds between you and the vehicle ahead in case of any unexpected traffic events. This can also help you maneuver traffic better and avoid accidents. Weather tip: If you’re driving through rough weather or heavy traffic, add an extra second to the rule to account for unfavorable road conditions.

Drive With All Your Senses

Relying on our senses is essential to avoid trouble on the road. Your sight is the primary sense you’ll use, but this doesn’t mean others aren’t important. Your touch, smell, and hearing can also give you essential information about your car and surroundings. Here are some examples of how your other senses can also give you valuable information when driving:
  • Hearing: This sense is vital while driving as you must often listen for other cars, emergency vehicles, and sudden changes on the road. Many drivers drive with loud music playing in their car, which can hinder their ability to notice essential sounds from the street, which can be dangerous.
  • Touch: When you’re inside your car, touch can help you notice how your car is doing. For example, you can feel weird vibrations coming from your engine before any visible signs. You can also feel if the road is suddenly rough so you can navigate it better.
  • Smell: This might seem like a not-so-important sense while driving, but it’s essential as it can let you know if an oil or gas leak is coming from your car's engine.

We hope you find these vehicle safety tips useful for your next drive. If you have questions about the best products for your car’s engine, don’t hesitate to call Cerberus Systems, Inc. at (717) 658-1256 or visit AMSOIL’s online store to place your order 24/7.