Chambersburg, PA | (717) 658-1256


Driving with a pet can be tricky, mainly if your pet isn’t used to it, but with these tips by AMSOIL: Cerberus Systems, Inc. in Chambersburg, PA, you’ll learn how to make it an easier transition.

Prepare Them for the Road

Preparing your pet for the road is the first step in being able to drive around with them. Driving around in a car can be stressful and distressing for pets that aren’t used to leaving the house. Getting them used to the feelings and smells of being in a car can be a great way to help them relax. Start with short drives around your neighborhood so that they can start getting used to it, and slowly increment the length of the drives. Eventually, your pet will build up enough tolerance, and you’ll be able to take them on longer trips. Remember that stopping for breaks is as essential for pets as it is for humans. So if you’re going on a more extended trip, make sure to plan stops so they can go to the bathroom and take a walk before resuming your drive. Tip: Some pets might have a harder time relaxing while in the car. One way to help them feel calmer is by opening the window for them to get some fresh air. This is also a helpful tip for pets that get dizzy.

Keeping both you and your pets safe on the road is by having a regular maintenance routine. If you need help choosing what products to use, call Cerberus Systems, Inc. at (717) 658-1256, and one of their oil pros will be happy to help. Once you’re ready to place an order, visit AMSOIL’s online store to shop their full range of products.

Training Them to Use a Crate

Keeping your pets safe in your car is another critical aspect of taking them on the road with you. Having them restrained in the back seat of your vehicle is the best way to do so. Even though you can find things like pet seat belts and car seats, the best way to keep them safe (according to experts) is by transporting them in a crate. Your pet’s crate should be big enough for them to lay down, stand up, and walk around comfortably. Training them can be a long process, especially if your pet is older, but some ways to train your pets to use a crate are to:
  • Place the crate in your house, so they become familiar with it.
  • Put their favorite pillows, blankets, or toys inside of it.
  • Use treats and positive reinforcement each time they use the crate.
This way, they’ll be used to the crate when you transport it to the car, and you’ll have an easier time getting them to be comfortable in it while you’re driving around.

Proper maintenance of your vehicle’s engine is essential for better trips when driving with a pet. Cerberus Systems, Inc. can assist you in choosing the right products for your engine. Give them a call at (717) 658-1256 or visit AMSOIL’s online shop to see their full range of products.

Get Your Pet Microchipped

Another important safety tip when driving with a pet is to have them microchipped. This can prove helpful if, for any reason, you become separated while on the road. Microchips are registered to each pet and their owner and can be scanned at most vet offices or rescue organizations when a pet is found. Hopefully, you won’t need it, but it’s an excellent way to help you find your way back to each other.

Beware of Hot Temperatures

As a last suggestion, it’s essential to keep an eye out for rising temperatures when driving with a pet. Your pet should have regular access to water if you’re on a long drive, as cars can get extremely hot. Also, before you start your trip or errands, make sure that the places you’re stopping at are pat friendly. Leaving your pet in the car can be extremely dangerous as temperatures inside a closed vehicle can rise quickly and put their lives in danger. It’s also important to mention that a law passed in Pennsylvania in 2019 allows law enforcement, humane officers, or animal control officers to remove pets from unattended vehicles if they believe they’re in danger or neglected.

Products like AMSOIL’s XL 0W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil are designed to keep your engine running smoothly for longer. The oil experts at Cerberus Systems, Inc. are ready to assist you in choosing the best products for your engine. Call them at (717) 658-1256 or place an order online anytime.