Chambersburg, PA | (717) 658-1256


Becoming a greener driver this year is possible by making a few changes to your driving and maintenance habits. Keep reading this post by AMSOIL: Cerberus Systems, Inc. in Chambersburg to learn more about it.

Improve Your Driving Habits

Improving your driving habits is the best way of becoming a greener driver quickly. Our driving habits directly impact our vehicle’s fuel consumption and wear, which directly impacts how green our cars are. Some ways you can improve your driving are the following:
  • Accelerate smoothly to reduce the strain on your engine and the fuel you burn.
  • Drive between 40 to 60mph to reduce your fuel usage by up to 30%.
  • Coast to a stop and brake gradually to avoid strain on your brakes.
These three actions can significantly reduce your impact on the environment by reducing CO2 emissions from fuel waste and making your car’s components last longer.

Plan Out Efficient Routes

Becoming a greener driver is also possible by planning out efficient routes for your destination. Idling burns through as much gas as driving, and being stuck in traffic is a way of idling in your car. Planning your routes can help you avoid congestion and help you get better mileage out of the fuel in your vehicle. The best way to do this is by using the traffic apps on your phone to take the fastest, least congested route to your destination. Making combo errands is another way to be more efficient with your driving. What does this mean? Combo errands are when you plan out your route to include as many errands as you need to run in only one drive. For example, you might need to drive home from work, pick up your children and go grocery shopping. Instead of making each of these single trips, try packing them all in one; that way, you’ll avoid using up more fuel than necessary.

Becoming a greener driver is possible by following a reliable maintenance routine. Call Cerberus Systems, Inc. at (717) 658-1256 today and get advice on excellent products like AMSOIL’s Signature Series 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil to keep your vehicle in top condition for longer. Don’t forget to visit AMSOIL's online shop to see their full range of products, and place your order today!

Maintenance is Key

Maintenance is essential if you’re looking for your car to be more efficient. Even if you drive an electric vehicle or a modern hybrid, keeping up with its maintenance routine is essential to avoid excessive wear to your vehicle’s components. Remember that all your car’s parts work together to make it an efficient machine, and if one part isn’t working correctly, it can cause others to lose efficiency or wear out prematurely. Here are some things you can do, maintenance-wise, to become a greener driver:
  • Check that your tires are always at the suggested air pressure.
  • Change your engine oil and filter when recommended.
  • Ensure your car’s fluids are always clean and topped off.
  • Use the recommended fuel.
Doing these things can keep your car in good shape for longer and keep your vehicle from emitting excessive amounts of pollutants.

Engine performance is essential when trying to be a greener driver. Make sure to keep up with your engine’s maintenance routine and use only the best products. For advice, call Cerberus Systems, Inc. today at (717) 658-1256 and let the oil pros help you pick the right products for its maintenance. Also, remember you can place your order anytime at AMSOIL's online shop.

Opt for a Smaller Vehicle

Our carbon footprint is also affected by the size of the vehicle we drive. If you’re planning to change cars in the new year, opting for a smaller one can help you reduce your carbon footprint. If you mainly use your vehicle for commuting, a smaller car uses much less fuel than a larger model. That said, it’s a good idea to check emissions and fuel efficiency data for the model you’re interested in and compare it with others before making your decision.

Unload Your Car Often

Lastly, many of us are used to using our cars as an extension of our garage, wardrobe, or storage bin. This can affect your car’s efficiency as extra weight can strain its components. Try keeping your vehicle light by unloading it often of heavy things like tools, backpacks, and other non-essential items.

Regular vehicle maintenance is the best way to become a greener driver. Call Cerberus Systems, Inc. at (717) 658-1256 for maintenance that works best for you and your car, or place your order today in AMSOIL's online shop.