Chambersburg, PA | (717) 658-1256


During the winter, the changes in temperature and weather can really affect your car. To ensure it stays in great shape, use these simple tips to prepare it for the season.

Winter Prep Tips for Your Car

Before winter arrives, you want to be sure your car is ready and equipped to handle it. Rather than waiting until the last minute to winterize your car, start preparing it ahead of time. To get started, use these simple tips.

Check out the Tires

As the weather changes, the roads can get slippery. Rain, snow, and ice can all make it harder to keep your car maneuvering solidly, so you want to be sure you're getting all the help you can get. In order to stay safe, you'll want to check on your tires. Start by ensuring your tires have enough tread to grip the road well. Your tires should also be properly inflated so that you get the best traction and gas mileage. Keep in mind that if you're expecting snow this winter, you may want to consider changing your tires to snow tires. It may be too early to do that now, but it's not too early to check on the condition of the snow tires you have stored in the garage.

Get Your Battery Tested

Next up, you'll want to check on your car's battery. Since the winter cold can really have a negative impact on an already weak battery, it's not a bad idea to get a volt test. If your battery is older than three years old, you'll definitely want to get this tested. Most batteries only last three to five years, and you don't want to get surprised by a dead battery, especially on a cold winter's day. To avoid getting stuck far from home because of a dead battery, carry jumper cables in your trunk just in case.

Fill up on Fluids

Every time you perform seasonal maintenance on your car, it's likely that you inspect the fluids. This is a must, especially with winter coming up. The cold can actually some fluids to freeze or get thick and sluggish, so you want to be sure that you have the right ones for the winter. If your car is ready for an oil change, synthetic oil will be your best option. This type of oil won't get thick and sluggish in the cold, meaning it'll keep your engine protected at all times. Don't forget to also check on your antifreeze and brake fluid before winter arrives. Keep your car in great shape with the help of a synthetic oil change in Chambersburg, PA. An oil like AMSOIL's Signature Series 0W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil will help your car's engine stay in better shape. To find more quality products like this, contact the friendly oil pros at Cerberus Systems, Inc. Give them a call at (717) 658-1256 to learn more. You can also check out their online shop to place your order!

Take Care of Your Windshield

Another fluid you may want to change for a winter option is your windshield wiper fluid. This may seem like an unimportant fluid, but that's not true. During the winter, rain and other debris can make it hard to see out of your windshield. This can be very stressful and very dangerous, so you wan to be sure you can get it clean, fast. If your windshield wiper fluid is frozen, you can have a hard time getting it clean. You'll also want to get your windshield wiper blades replaced if they've become dry and brittle. These won't be able to wipe anything off your windshield, putting you in a dangerous situation. Look for winter wiper blades so that these don't freeze either.

Store Your Car Indoors

Finally, be sure to store your car indoors, especially if you're expecting very cold temperatures. Keeping your car inside a garage will help keep it warmer, which can help keep it in better shape. On top of this, a covered parking space will also keep snow, rain, and other debris off of your car, keeping its exterior protected. If you don't have a covered space, use a car cover to protect your car overnight.

Give Your Car a Synthetic Oil Change in Chambersburg, PA

Giving your car a synthetic oil change in Chambersburg can help keep your engine in top shape. To find a great oil for your car, contact the friendly oil pros at Cerberus Systems, Inc. They can help you find the right oil for your car. Give them a call at (717) 658-1256 to learn more about their products or to place your order.