Chambersburg, PA | (717) 658-1256


ATV Maintenance is the best way to keep it in good shape for longer. Don’t skip these crucial steps brought to you by Cerberus Systems, Inc in Chambersburg, and stay safe your next time on the trails. 

If you’re looking for the best products to keep your ATV in the best shape possible, don’t hesitate to call Cerberus Systems, Inc in Chambersburg at (717) 658-1256, and one of their oil pros will be happy to help you. Once you’re ready to place your order, visit AMSOIL's online shop.

Oil and Other Essential Fluids

As with any other engine, ATVs require regular maintenance to perform at their best. If you’re preparing for a new adventure season, or if it’s been a while since you last performed ATV maintenance, this is your reminder to do so. One of the first steps is to check your engine oil as well as other essential fluids. Keep reading to learn more about your fluids and how to keep them in the best shape possible.

Keep Your Engine Oil Clean

Clean oil is an integral part of your vehicle's performance. Because of the realities of riding an ATV, its oil tends to get dirty quickly, which means having to change it more often. Performing an oil change on your ATV is easy, but don’t skip draining out the dirty oil first. Check your owner's manual for more information on changing the oil on your ATV model.

Keep Fluids at the Correct Levels

Checking the fluids on your ATV, like the coolant, brake fluid, and fuel, is also essential. Running your ATV dry of vital fluids can cause issues that are expensive to repair. Each time you ride your ATVs, make sure to check them and replace them as necessary to ensure you have a good riding experience every time.

Find the best products for your ATV, like AMSOIL’s 10W-40 Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil at Cerberus Systems, Inc in Chambersburg, and if you need advice on your ATV maintenance routine, call (717) 658-1256, and one of their oil experts will be happy to help you. Also, don’t forget you can visit AMSOIL's online shop to see their entire product catalog anytime.

Change Your Air Filter

Next is making sure the air filter is clean and working correctly. A dirty air filter can prevent clean air from entering your engine and make your ATV less efficient. Depending on the terrain you ride on and how often you take out your ATV will dictate the frequency of replacing the air filter, but a good rule of thumb is to swap it out for a new one after every 50 riding hours.

Basic Battery Maintenance

Your ATV’s battery also needs maintenance to keep working at its best. Regular inspections include checking for cracks, bulges, and corrosion around its terminals. If the terminals show signs of oxidation, clean them using a steel wire brush and a teaspoon of baking soda with water to remove any corroded blemishes. Once it’s clean, check if it’s holding enough charge; if it is, you’re good to go!

Inspect Your Tires and Brakes

Because of the nature of riding in rough terrains, having tires and brakes in top shape is great for staying safe on the trails. Here are four things to check as a part of your ATV maintenance routine.
  • Inspect your tire treads for worn spots and ensure they’re still deep enough to help grip the terrain.
  • Check your owner’s manual for the suggested air pressure and set them at that level.
  • Refill your brake fluid.
  • Inspect the caliper, rotor, and brake lines to ensure they’re in good condition, as well as the brake pads.

Have Your Riding Gear Ready

ATV maintenance season is also a great time to ensure your riding gear is in good condition. Having the right equipment ready is essential for staying safe each time you ride. Remember to check these three things before your next ride:
  • Your helmet and boots should fit snugly to protect you in case of an accident. If your helmet wiggles around or is too tight, you’ll need to find a new one.
  • Wear layers like long sleeve jackets, pants, and a motorcycle jacket to protect you from the elements.
  • Your layers should be in good condition and fit you well to protect you on the road.

Riding safely has as much to do with your skill as it has to do with your bike’s condition. Call Cerberus Systems, Inc in Chambersburg at (717) 658-1256 for advice on your maintenance routine, or visit AMSOIL's online shop to place an order today.